Educational Programs
Baby Massage
Experience the abundant benefits of infant massage, from improved sleep, relief from common ailments, stimulation, and bonding. Join other new parents or caregivers in learning all the techniques and methods for successful at-home baby massage.
Suitable from birth - 6 months.
Baby Yoga
Are you ready to enhance your baby’s well-being while enjoying quality bonding time? Our Baby Yoga Classes offer a unique blend of gentle exercises and playful activities designed to support your baby’s development, improve coordination, relieve muscle tension, and strengthen your connection.
Suitable from 8 weeks to 12 months.
Toddler Group Class
Small group enrichment classes targeting early learning goals. Educationally focused, themed, hands-on lessons to engage little learners. Consistent cohort of no more than 8 children allows for individualized learning paths that progress from class to class.
Booster Groups
Small group early intervention for students struggling with reading, writing, or math. Rigorously planned curriculum to support your child’s progress. Consistent cohort of no more than 5 learners allows for individualized learning paths that progress from class to class.
1:1 Intervention
Intensive individualized intervention for students with learning differences such as dyslexia or those struggling to keep up. Programs available to support reading, writing, and math. Research-backed multisensory methodologies used to optimize potential progress.